The Origin of Prophet Ibrahim U.S. Story 25 Prophet of Islam -->

The Origin of Prophet Ibrahim U.S. Story 25 Prophet of Islam

Saturday 15 December 2018, December 15, 2018

ISLAMIC MEDIA - The origin of the Prophet Ibrahim

   he was the son of Aazar (Tarih), the son of saruj, the son of Rau'bin falij, the son of Aabir, the son of Shaleh, the son of Afrakhshad, the son of Sam bin Nuh.

the prophet ibrahim was born in a place called faddam A'ram which included the royal territory of babilon. the babilon kingdom at that time was ruled by a ruthless king and had absolute power namely Namrud.

he was a king who did not want to step down and wanted to be in power and even wanted to live continuously. because of that he did not hesitate to fool his people,

in order to worship idols. he even proclaimed himself as one of the gods of his people. so that all his orders no one dared to disobey.

  before the prophet ibrahim was born, the king namrud had dreamed of seeing a boy jump into his room and seize his crown and destroy it. the next day he called a fortune-teller and divination to interpret the meaning of his dream.

 according to the fortune-teller, the boy in the king's dream would later bring down the king's power. Of course the king namrud was angry. he ordered his soldiers to kill every newborn baby boy.

when Ibrahim was born, his parents hid in the cave. he never saw the outside world.

Ibrahim used reason to think, curiosity permeated the soul of Ibrahim. During this time he only saw chunks of rock and soil in the cave. When his mother was going to the city to look for food, he tried to go out of the cave. Then put his feet outside the cave.

Ibrahim was astonished that he was truly amazed at the vast expanse of nature. The mountains towered. The blue sky spread wide. The sea waves chased. In the afternoon he saw the sun. At night he saw the moonlight illuminating the night.

 since the little Prophet Ibrahim had received instructions from God. he was surprised to see people worshiping statues even though they could not speak. they could not see they could not hear and could not provide help.

 "why do they worship dead objects?" the question arose in the mind of Ibrahim.

if he meets a camel, the goat and the sheep always stir up questions in his heart. who created this?

 when night fell, he saw the moon and stars. but the moon finally sank not visible again. at noon he saw that the sun was also sinking no longer visible.

 Ibrahim said in his heart: "I do not like gods with those who drown."

  finally ibrahim was able to find conclusions. the mind of the almighty clean mind decided that god is the one who created the heavens and the earth. my god who created humans, plants, animals and everything else on this earth.
